1 - 3 November 2024

EventNó na Garganta | Knot in the Throat

Nó na Garganta | Knot in the Throat


In the setting of Parco Michelotti, inside the former Giardino Zoologico di Torino, in collaboration with Città di Torino Artissima presents a work by the Brazilian artist Jonathas de Andrade, , represented by Galleria Continua, from Friday 27 October to Sunday 5 November 2023. The initiative is one of the special projects of Artissima 2023 and consists in the screening of the work Nó na Garganta | Knot in the Throat (2022) on the façade of the building that was once the zoo’s giraffe and elephant house. The video by de Andrade sets out to activate a dialogue with the historical memory of the site, triggering reflections on the historical and social significance of the former zoo of Torino. In the images young workers in a private zoo in Brazil are seen as they peacefully interact with snakes. These scenes alternate with others of a documentary character showing ecological disasters, by contrast suggesting a traumatic disconnect between man and nature.



Ex Giardino Zoologico – Parco Michelotti

Corso Casale 43, Torino

(50m from the Geisser Library)


Parco Michelotti


04/11/2023 - 10:00-22:00


Video installation
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