1 - 3 November 2024

Artissima 2023: applications are now open

15 March 2023 Journal News

The 30th edition of Artissima will take place from 3 to 5 November 2023 (opening: 2 November) in Torino, for the second year under the guidance of Luigi Fassi

The only Italian fair exclusively focusing on contemporary art, Artissima stands out on the international scene for its experimental, cutting-edge and sophisticated identity, and for the high quality exhibits.

The 2023 edition of the fair is composed by 4 flagship sections (Main Section, Monologue/Dialogue, New Entries, Art Spaces & Editions) and by 3 curated sections (Present Future, Back to the Future, Disegni) presented both physically at the fair and virtually on the digital platform Artissima Voice Over.

A new theme will symbolically cross the sections: RELATIONS OF CARE. Based on a recent essay by the Brazilian anthropologist Renzo Taddei focused on the indigenous Brazilian thought, the concept identifies and suggests care as the ultimate aim of knowledge, and as a matrix of all relationships inside communities – human and non-human – which are harmonious and inclusive. Art is undoubtedly a tool capable of encouraging relations of care and dialogue, while at the same time creating unprecedented forms of comprehension of reality, activating new codes with which to rethink our everyday ways of living and sharing.

▶︎ Applications to participate, with information on the Selection and Curatorial Committees, are available at our website
▶︎ 5 May 2023: deadline to submit the application for Main Section, Monologue/ Dialogue, New Entries, Art Spaces & Editions
▶︎ 30 April 2023: deadline to submit the application for Present Future, Back to the Future, Disegni

▶︎ Main Section
brings together outstanding galleries from the international art world: established names offer collectors and art lovers an event of the highest quality.

▶︎ Monologue/Dialogue
is reserved to emerging galleries or galleries with an experimental approach applying with either a monographic booth or with works by 2 artists in dialogue.

▶︎ New Entries
presents the most interesting emerging galleries from the international art scene, that have been open less than 5 years and taking part in Artissima for the first time.

▶︎ Art Spaces & Editions
is a special section of Artissima exclusively devoted to galleries and non-profit spaces presenting editions, prints and multiples by contemporary artists.

▶︎ Present Future
is the section of Artissima that showcases emerging talents, preferably less than 40 years old. The artists, presented by their reference galleries, are selected on the basis of a specific project. The section features monographic projects with the goal of shedding light on new, more significant and cutting-edge trends on the international art scene. The section will be hosted also on the Artissima Voice Over platform with an in-depth presentation.

▶︎ Back to the Future
features monographic projects by contemporary art pioneers whose work played a key role in art history. The section gathers works realised from 1950 to 1979 and favours geographical areas in which artists have been less visible – be it due to their gender, cultural and political affiliations. Particular attention is dedicated to work developed in marginal and diasporic contexts. The section will be hosted also on the Artissima Voice Over platform with an in-depth presentation.

▶︎ Disegni
is the only section in Italian art fairs dedicated to this medium. It presents projects conceived as solo shows that enhance the authenticity and autonomy of the work on paper. The section promotes the uniqueness of the drawing, its innate immediacy, being the first translation of the artist’s idea and the only unfiltered access to his creative process. The section will be hosted also on the Artissima Voice Over platform with an in-depth presentation.