Artissima Junior is the project created in 2018 through the collaboration between Artissima and Juventus, interacting with younger visitors at the fair, from 6 to 11 years of age, to create a choral artwork under the guidance of an artist-tutor. This year Sara Enrico (Biella, 1979) plays this role, represented by the gallery Vistamare, Milano-Pescara. The artist will conduct a workshop involving young visitors in reflections on the key values of the process of growth inside a collective context, utilizing contemporary art.
The title chosen by the artist this year is sognare di lato, di qua, di là as an invitation to have an experience of empathy and sharing, to open up the boundaries of subjectivity and individuality and to delve into a process of group imagination driven by daydreaming. A space that becomes a dream world, where words, images and videos based on the personal memories and imaginaries of all participants reawaken an emotional world that becomes collective in the group’s choral interaction. Across past, present and future, dreaming stimulates chains of association, helping us to grow through the value of imagination and thinking outside the box, as tools with which to come to terms with critical issues and relationships. The collective work of sognare di lato, di qua, di là invites children to look beyond appearances, to explore reality through the transformative power of dreaming, which permits us to shift away from limited individuality, relating to the thinking and dreaming of others, creating a dream chair of shared imagination in an ideal situation of teamwork.
The stand of Artissima Junior will also host IL TAPPETO VERDE, a short film by the artist and director Yuri Ancarani (Ravenna, 1972), represented by the galleries Isabella Bortolozzi and ZERO…, shot inside the Juventus Stadium and dedicated to childhood dreams. This project was produced during a special edition of Artissima Junior.
Workshops for children from 6 to 11 years of age will be held on the following days:
1 – 2 November
2 – 7 pm
3 November
2 – 6 pm
For info and reservation: [email protected]
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